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New Player? Yule Love It

I hereby extend my most cordial invitation to New Players to SCA (less than 2 years time playing) to participate in a game created for YOU at our Yule Festivities on December 17th, 2016.

As Chatelaine, I'd like to host an entry level persona challenge for newcomers and new players. You DO NOT have to have your persona set in stone, just choose a tentative name, culture, time period you'd like to explore.

"How the Game Shall Proceed": 1) You will dress in persona appropriate garb (yes, you can borrow from friends, or our Gold Key if they have something that works for you.

At Yule: 2) You be asked to answer three persona "mystery questions". 3) You will make something your persona would use, based on items in a (provided) "mystery box".

AND you'll get 3 lifelines (your choice of assistance persons) who you can use for any reason for up to five minutes per lifeline during the game. But if your lifeline is a Peer (Laurel, Pelican, Knight) or Nobility (Baron, Baroness, etc.), they will need to have their wings clipped (for example, blindfolded or have a hand tied behind their back) just to keep the playing field even.

Sound like fun? I'm giving you a head's up so you've got time to prepare if you want (though you won't need much prep - you can just show up, too!)


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