Hippocampus Scriptorium - Mar. 26
Learn about charter painting, embellisments, calligraphy & illumination - HANDS ON CLASSES!
Saturday, March 26
at 9 AM - 5 PM
FACEBOOK PAGE : Hippocampus Scriptorium (a small scribal workshop)
Pre-registration required. Perhaps bring a folding chair.
1405 SE 132nd Ave, Vancouver, WA 98683 (a private home)
Whitework, diapering and other scribal embellishments for beginners with HL Ana
So you have your color blocking down on your charter/scroll, what to do next? This will be an exploration on period techniques of embellishment to painted illumination and how to break it down to a manageable starting point on your own painted works.
10 class spots 2 hour class Ana de la Sara whisket14@yahoo.com
10AM – Noon
Scroll design with HL Marya
How do you take an idea and or an existing manuscript and turn it into a scroll or charter design? Learn about layout options, drafting and guidelines.
Handout provided. Please bring a straightedge.
Class Limit: 8
Pre-register at: kargashina@gmail.com
10AM – Noon
Basic scribal starter kit and Show and Tell with HL Fae
“I’m definitely hooked on this scribal thing, but what do I need to buy to have my own kit to work with?” Class will cover all the things you need to get started, and some variations you could try.
Please bring YOUR kit to share and talk about what works for you.
Class size: Unlimited
Handout will be provided. Be sure to bring writing utensil to take notes.
11AM – Noon
Secrets to Basic Charter Painting with HL Cara
Wait, you didn’t know there were secrets? Come learn what to do & what not to, to help make your charters as worthy of praise as the populace receiving them! Class will cover things like; paint consistency, using the color wheel, contrast, how to stop paint from blotching, getting gouache to behave on Kingdom charter paper, Puddle & Pull methods of moving paint, what to do when disaster happens. OMG, what do I put there? And more!
Suggested Materials: If you have brushes, paints & pallets, bring them. But don’t fret, there will be something for you to use if you don’t. Bring your questions! Young adults are welcomed; bring something for them to do if they get bored. This is an entry level class, but if you’ve already been painting, please come.
Class Fee: $2 for handouts and paints
Teacher: HL Cara da Fortuna Pre-register at: sportsther@gmail.com
1pm – 3pm
Basic Calligraphy: Carolingian Miniscule with Mistress Ursel
$1 for materials Carolingian Miniscule is the hand developed for and/or adopted by Charlemagne as a simple, readable hand for use in his empire’s bureaucracy. It was re-worked in the Renaissance era to be a standard book hand, which was later the basic for the Times New Roman typeset and font. Materials will be provided to learn this hand.
Max students – 10
Teacher: Mistress Ursel Lindenhayn
1PM – 3P
Save that Charter with StormMaker HL Carith
Help! I painted a charter and I hate it! Or someone left an unfinished charter on my doorstep. Or I picked a paint that is sticky. What to do when a charter was munched by a dog, crushed in the mail, or it somehow got paint, or food/drink splattered on it!
This class will focus on techniques for determining if your charter can be saved and why we bother to save them. Ways to keep from going awry in the first place. We will discuss the ethics of making changes to someone else’s art. Prepare to go over a little bit of everything such as, getting your space ready for painting, color choices, paint techniques, how to make repairs, finding resources to use for inspiration, painting one color over another, very basic white lining and shading. Also, the importance of returning charters (finished or not) in a timely manner. This course is suitable for anyone from a brand new painter all the way to the experienced scribe.
No supplies necessary.
Class handout is $2, you will have the option of paying $5 extra and going home with a pallet loaded with a little bit of six paint colors, a sable brush, and an eye dropper.
Teacher: HL Carith de Cuevas
3PM – 5PM
Class title: A More Medieval Color Palette with Mistress Ursel
$2 with printed handout, free with digital handout This class will cover what paints were used in the medieval period, what modern paints can be used to simulate the medieval palette, and what modern paints are completely modern. We’ll also look at color combinations in different times and places.
Teacher: Mistress Ursel Lindenhayn
3PM – 5PM
Improve your Google Fu with HL Cara
Oooo, that’s a pretty picture! Is it real, where did it come from, what time period is it? Learn tips & techniques to discovering the source for that picture you saw on social media. Become a Google sleuth to find period sources and high resolution examples of manuscripts, etc. on the interwebs.
There will be a printed hand out. If you have a WiFi enabled device, bring it.
There will be a few loaners, available. 1 hour
Class Fee: $1 for handouts
Class Size: Limit of 10 or 12
Teacher: HL Cara da Fortuna
Pre-register at: sportsther@gmail.com
4PM – 5PM